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Village Nutrition
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3925 North Hwy 7, Suite C, Hot Springs Village
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10 Supplements for a Healthy Heart
This is what I say when people ask me, "Do I need nutritional supplements?": "No. Nor do you need indoor plumbing and electricity.But why in the world would you choose to live without them?" Nowhere...
Romantic Herbs
In February, all those red hearts and amorous greeting cards can inspire us to rekindle any dampened flames with our significant others. In the hierarchy of health, libido ranks last in terms of...
Tools to Mend a Broken Heart
This is not for the faint of heart. She had a change of heart. Cross my heart and hope to die. That boy has a heart of gold. Eat your heart out, football fans! I can't think of a body part with more...
Green & Lean
When it comes to weight loss, dietary supplements can also lend a hand. Green tea is one of the safest, best researched, and most effective options.
Surviving Cold and Flu Season
The best way to deal with colds and the flu is to not get sick in the first place.
Natural Thyroid Health
The thyroid serves as the body's thermostat for regulating metabolism. Sometimes it pumps out high or inadequate amounts of hormones; both scenarios are problematic.
Quit Smoking
Most smokers are fully aware that they should stop, but they also know that it's easier said than done.
Homeopathy for Cold & Flu
The underlying principle of homeopathy is that "like cures like." Instead of suppressing symptoms, homeopathy stimulates the body's innate healing abilities with microdoses of natural substances that...
Herbs for Weight Loss
A handful of herbs offer surprising weight-related benefits.
What to Expect When You Stop Dieting
When nothing is off limits to your diet anymore, sometimes you don't have a clue what you want to eat anymore! You might wonder what to expect when you stop dieting once and for all and how life will...
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